
วันจันทร์ที่ 13 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Why so costy just to stay alive

Consider human body as a vehicle, it do need a lot of maintenance to keep running. For an epilepsy person the cost is even dearer. A regular daily routine is to take 600 mg of Tegretol CR to control the motor neuron to function properly. The cost is already almost 5% salary since it wasn't normally count into insurance coverage and the public health insurance, they alway try to put on the cheaper medicine that would never work. The insurance will make sure the medical need coverage will not cover what I need for medication. Then the influenza, redeye, sprain etc.. the cost is chargable to public insurance but the time consume in the process to obtain the medication is unattractive at all. Then the food for daily burn up to do work, electricity for air condition, television, refrigerator and water for the vehicle (body) consume and clean up. Are we in the trap of consumerism that make us work to pay for the other until exhaust, can't work anymore and then drop dead...

I hate this life

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