
วันศุกร์ที่ 24 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

Science and Democracy (Majority right)

A lot of confuse upon the utilisation of majority right in this world today. Democracy, the miracle cure to all symptom of political unhealthy. Same as a Magnetized water or Chiropractic, democracy is over boast for its' perfectness, wide acceptance and some time claimed a scientific.

Case example

In court, the fujitive ex-PM Thaksin was ruled out to be a corrupt guy and sentence to jail. He then flee from Thailand and try to use majority rule to undo his wrong. It's a bullshit.

By democratic, he said, it must be the majority of people to judge for his doing to be right or wrong. He buy himself a war against the nation to give back his wealth and power. But can the justice system being compromised to his term?

Justice system was construct under the rule of science, the matter must be proved by evidence and yield the sentence. Judging is on the ground that the doing is obvious by evidence or not and on the case where the evidence is not clearly stated to be right or wrong, the verdict will be delivered on benefit of the suspect. The judge can't yield someone is guilty without evidence. The majority can't overrule the evidence because majority is not scientific. In science, to prove if the rabbit is a male or female, it is then being check on physical properties observed (fur, chromosome, genital etc what so ever available to be check). But if the majority vote give that the rabbit is male while the rabbit had a vagina is it imply that the rabbit is a male? NO!! it is not.

You can't overrule the fact by using majority right. What had been prove wrong by justice system also can't be overrule by using democracy's majority trick.

From case examle:

  1. the fact that Thaksin do evade Tax, should the majority overrule he did not? Answer: NO!

  2. From the finding, Thaksin help his wife on bussiness using his political string, should the majority overrule he did not? Answer: NO!

  3. Thaksin sell his business to Singapore while by contract with government he got the license because the telecomunication business is in deep relation with national security and the business can only be held by Thai firm, should the majority overrule that he had the right to sell his business to foreign country? Answer: NO!

The rule and regulation is for the benefit of people, the people can change the rule and regulation using democratic way to shape the benefit but if the people was made confuse the terror for benifit then should it be allow. If the cause is well identify as terror e.g. drug abuse, corruption, double standard etc the majority must not be allowd to overrule the proven fact.

I see big loophole here.

