
วันพุธที่ 27 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Saha Innovation (Chairman Award 2009)

Saha-group, is one of the largest consumer product group in Thailand. Every year the Saha-group will host innovation competition for the boost up of innovative development with expected result to catch up with the developping world. In 2009, the innovation competition hosted at ICC head quarter on 27-28 May.

The competition range from the Product, production, Service, System and process, Energy and Environment and Petty award for non-profit innovation that indirectly yield benefit to the company.

The innovation competition was started as a small bound within Saha group. But in latter year, more observer participate in the display. It is my openion to believe, while with many production machine, energy efficiency exhibition but with high investment cost made an internal development an alternative source for organization improvement.

The waste water management of Champ Kabin for example: the company itself is small in size and excrete all waste water to Industrial park central waste water system. With limited area to install its' full waste water plant they separate off the water with least contaminate e.g. from sink and install a small waste water treatment unit comprised of mixed resin and activated carbon for filter out contaminated and odour before use as gardening water. Investment is as small as 8,000 THB but yield a water reduction cost up to 27,000 THB. A good example for small scale innovation where buying technology would cost a lot more that that.

Some innovation started as organizational energy saving latered elevate to production line is from International Laboratories with the Solarthermal cell producing hot water from sun light. For 150 L hot water capacity it sale the unit at 50 - 60 kTHB. Hope they would give me discount as exhibitor collegue though.

Some technology can be apply at small cost if D.I.Y (Do It Yourself) such as precool unit for air condition compressor. By purchase the hive and constuct the frame for 120,000 BTU would cost only 7,000 Baht plus at ROI 1.1 year. With technology display, it would be example for other to D.I.Y.

For Lion Corporation, it display a process wise improvement D.I.Y Waste heat recovery from one process to other process. The Waste heat recovery is one most well known method for energy saving but most company would not dare to D.I.Y. in such large scale. It was a big decision to design and construct by ourself (I use ourself cuz I'm developping team)

Melamine contamination from breast milking was set as highlight on Wacoal's "Green Label" The company use total RM control prevent harzadous raw material or material with hazard on dispose for garmenting its' lady ware. Melamine was used as raw material on plastic and synthetic garment which mean it could be in your wife, spouse or girlfriend's brasier. All Mr Sex machine must be aware of Melamine contamination!!.

The latter of picture is from various display booths. The Chairman Award host every year at around month of May. The outstanding innovation will be exhibit in Saha Expo on June. It's good place to learn how organizational innovation is made.

