
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Brief History of Thais’ political crisis

Though I say brief but my essay had gone very lengthy. Shorten 78 year of history is no easy work.

In 1932 Thailand changes from Monarchy to Democracy under the group known as “The Revolution of 1932”. The group is the elite with chance to see democracy in foreign land and want Thailand to be as “Civilized”. The start of Thailand’s democracy is not by the majority agreement but yet, it marks the start point.

From 1932, with limited of how to educate, Thai, mostly make their choice of political party by the speech rather than action. The democracy was swiftly change to military guided and continue reign of military and under military influence. In 1941-1945, Thailand was forced to take side with Japan in WW2 and lost the war. Seri Thai come to place and resume the guided democracy…now…with influence from USA.

Cold war period after WW2, the big rival between national giant namely USA and USSR took place. The fight of these two nations was symbolized by Democracy and Communism. Hatred of the Communism was programmed into Thai. The Vietnam War (1957 – 1975) was good example of such hatred. Communism charged mean capital punishment from such era.

The self revolution of November 1971, after brief period of democracy Thanom Kittikachorn staged a coup against his own government and resume full military guided. This action cause riot in 1973 and cause his self-exile. The return match of 1976 massacre on students and protesters on Thanom return was under the reason of “Communism”

From modern point of view, differ of Communism and Democracy is no more than arrangement of priority. Communism is Duty come before Right and Democracy is Right come before Duty. Modern world Democracy adapts social benefit system from Communism and Communism transform to Socialist by re-balance priority of Right and Duty. It is still currently fear of Communism in Thailand despite years pass.

Decade of 80’ Gen. Prem Tinsulanonda led the Thai under military guided democracy. From long duration of time under military ruling, those driven to forest since 1976 came back from underground. It had born the music of democracy craving for freedom to choose their government. Long period of such military guided without touch of democracy. The understanding of Thai citizen for democracy is nothing more than election and majority right.

At this point, let me explain the difference between “Guided Democracy” and “Military Guided”.
- Guided Democracy is the PM is army selected or is the army but MP came from election.
- Military guided is PM is the army and MP either chosen or tightly setup election for the proposed MP to win.

MP and the minister in the ruling of the guided democracy or military guided had power to influence and promotion of public and police officer. They don’t have much power of decision on ruling but can generally suggest to the PM. Well, they go to people, beg for their vote and can really do nothing but influence selection process of officers… perfect scenario to breed corruption.

And after the long period of guided democracy, Gen Prem says “I’m enough, you guys may resume your democracy”

Political party with little experience in manage country mostly resume their way of corruption and tongue twisting for vote. Complementary agreement for benefit of corruption is set by these political parties. Scenario of big word given with less work did create feeling of government uselessness among the poor. Government of Chaichai is best described as “Buffet Cabinet” was overthrown by military revolution for overly corruption. The army can’t stay long because Thai had enough of the guided democracy and they just want to vote their Prime minister. The democracy came back on quite a steady period but politic was pretty much the same… beg for vote, buy vote and do nothing about what is promised. No government stay in power long, people get tired of such pattern. It goes on for a while until new revolutionary way of corruption emerge…Integrative Corruption.

2000 Integrative Corruption as invented by Thaksin had this general idea.
“I can stay in power and siphon all benefit to myself as long as I make enough Voter feel happy about me”

Thaksin control the media to write the news in his favour. His all time favourites “Sondhi Limthongkul” that was later turn to his all time rival is one of the key partner.

Money siphon done via change of law for tax exemption on AIS and infrastructure privatization to his family member hand. He constructs many social benefit projects to please the poor while majority of those is non-profit return. From the long history, this is the very first time the poor got something as government promise. Though such money was drained from National monetary health, they would never foresee that far the future. The Poor really love and warship this man. Those researches to uncover his ill doing was suppressed from the control of media and using Tyranny of Majority overlook and force suppression of any minority group despite it is violation of human right ... until... one day... he slap the face of his partner in crime...Sondhi.

2005 Sondhi Limthongkul did support Thaksin for long time. He hosts the "Thailand Weekly" news show. However the show was removed on 2005 for criticizing the government. Rumour say, Thaksin deny giving help on Sondhi's financial crisis and so Sondhi make criticizing as warning. The smell of corruption is strong between this two and personally I believe they are partner in crime and that would explain why Sondhi know a lot on dirty side of Thaksin. It sprung the Yellow shirt in the name of "People Alliance of Democracy" (PAD).

At start, PAD do a lot on research and evidence show on Thaksin wrong doing but using only fact take too much time. PAD move to hatred strategy and use propaganda as tool to gain number. PAD theme is against "Tyranny of Majority" and "No double standard". Protest lead to fall of Thaksin on 2006 by Coup de Tat. Thailand back to Military guided system once again. We simply call this PAD yellow shirt since they use yellow as their theme colour.

2006-2007 Soon after Coup de Tat, Thaksin gather up the supporter in the name of "National United Front of Democracy against Dictatorship" (UDD). They come with their version of democracy "Majority rule is everything about democracy" and "Bring back Thaksin". This UDD is also known as Red Shirt for their theme colour.

Thaksin's Party "Thai Rak Thai" dissolved on ground of corruption, it come "People Power". 2007 constitution set, "People Power" won election but it can’t deny the 2007 constitution was overly against the corruption. Little wrong doing result to dissolution of the Party. A bounce back effect from “Integrative Corruption” let by Thaksin make the law maker put all tool and rule to block the corruption. The constitution doesn’t promote the strength of government. Though good side of this constitution is, it gives guarantee of human right. People Power lead by proxy of Thaksin.. Samak Sundravej did struggle to change the law but got the pressure from PAD protesting until he was put out of PM’s chair on an up surd charge, being hired as TV show host. Somchai come as successor and face PAD that gone wild with road blockade and close down the Airport. In the end, People party dissolved on ground of vote buying. They set new Party and come back as "Phua Thai" but this time"Democrat Party" as supported by yellow side gather up small misc. party forming the current government.

2008-2009 Around that time, court ruling of Thaksin’s wrong doing is coming out. Thaksin flee overseas and claim bias judgment by court using Poison the Well fallacy. The supporter buy the claim without analyzed the cause of bias. Thaksin start the protesting theme. The Red shirt resumes demand on “Bring back Thaksin by pardon him from all the charge of corruption” and “No double standard”.

2010 Now, at present time the Red had burn and destroys Thailand…

Real motivator behind red side is overseas. Mob leader can not negotiate. Last time they do negotiate but they just can't make any commitment. Then it come the M79 shot to soldier (yes they had some army support also). This time, the killing bullet to red shirt is rather called return fire.
Three party with following agendas
1) Red shirt felt being treated as second class citizen for long and only Thaksin treat them well. MP does come to them beg for their vote make a lot of promise and do nothing. Thaksin do give them a lot of Tax benefit so they like him a lot. So they demand world of no Double Standard.
2) Thaksin wants his asset and power and wealth unless it is up to his demand or nation burn down.
3) Yellow shirt felt being treated as second class citizen under the realm of Thaksin. They don't agree for use of their Tax payment to just buy vote and keep on corruption. So they demand world of no Double Standard.
From the history as it was, I hope it explain the reason behind the movement. Why the Poor like Thaksin so much even if he is the one looting their country. Thai had limited understanding of the term democracy. They use the term double standard while imposing double standard to each other because all they know about equity is benefit fall on to them.
It would be unfair if I’d say there is no single good thing about Thaksin. Thaksin, no matter how evil and lame he was, he is the one that change the political pattern. Political party can’t win election by the pattern of beg for vote, buy vote and do nothing about what is promised anymore. Political party must do their work to win the Vote. That good thing must retain but his integrative corruption must go. Thailand is on the edge of political evolution challenge.
Matter is not simply war between rich and poor or it should be easily solved long ago… This is “The Great Political Crisis of Thailand”

