
วันจันทร์ที่ 30 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Non-Alcohol law vote out in Thailand

The attempt to pass the law prohibit sale of alcohol on Songkran was failed today 30th March 2009. It's the good news in decate for Thai people had enough of moral suffocation.

I am agree that alcohol cause a lot of problem to society since I have alcoholic in my family. But, for the matter of freedom, the control of alcohol should be routh through education and volunteery term.

From personnal experience, an alcoholic person mostly have taste of alcohol at later age. When we are old, we tend not to listen to any other warning and we can overjoy with our own salary purchasing as much as we want. It is very necessary to give education on alcohol drinking when the child turn to teenager. You can't have your child under control forever since teenager will listen to friend more than parents. I would rather suggest, alcohol education should start at as low as 11 - 12 years old. When they are among friends, they'd know how much enough is enough.

Sadly, Thailand way usually gone through process of control and limitation instead of education. What Thailand yield is flock of innocent population that never know how to control their habit. Pressing result to explosion and so do the Thai when they reach teenage. They drink more than they should, they dis-regard the law and result to accident and crime as it is. 

The vote out may be the first light after long day under religious law. It could considered a signal stated Thai had enough with public forcing. We are no animal and if the government want us to refrain from something it should be through route of education and not law.


